okay.. so theres something about being married that makes people always ask you when you'll have kids.. im really not planning on kids anytime soon.. like ANYtime soon... honestly it comes down to me being super selfish.. a. i want boyfriend to myself b. i want my money to myself c. i want my time to myself.. not necessarily in that order..
i may have come across one reason i would like to have a little friend...
matching outfits... love.
also.. i have to say i totally laughed out loud (not lol.. hate that) the other day during one of
esb's tweets.. generally i try not to talk about 'tweets' in real life... but this sort of sums up my 'current' feelings of having a family...
D* asks me, "Do you have a family plan?" Without blinking, I retort, "Our plan is NOT to have a family." Yeah, he meant AT&T.